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This functions returns a table with the non-available frequencies from a already build bivariate table.





either a 'compareGroups' or 'createTable' object.


other arguments passed to createTable.


An object of class 'createTable'. For further details, see 'value' section of createTable help file.


This function returns an object of class 'createTable', and therefore all methods implemented for 'createTable' objects can be applied, except the 'update' method.

All arguments of createTable can be passed throught '...' argument, except '' argument which is fixed inside the code and cannot be changed.

This function cannot be applied to stratified tables, i.e. 'rbind.createTable' and 'cbind.createTable'. If stratified missingness table is desired, apply this function first to each table and then use cbind.createTable or/and rbind.createTable functions to combine exactly in the same way as 'createTable' objects. See 'example' section below.

See also



# load regicor data

# table of descriptives by recruitment year
res <- compareGroups(year ~ age + sex + smoker + sbp + histhtn + 
         chol + txchol + bmi + phyact + pcs + death, regicor)
restab <- createTable(res, = "no")

# missingness table
#> Warning: the standard deviation is zero
#> Warning: the standard deviation is zero
#> -------- Summary of results by groups of 'year'---------
#>    var     N    p.value  method      selection
#> 1  age     2294 .        categorical ALL      
#> 2  sex     2294 .        categorical ALL      
#> 3  smoker  2294 0.010**  categorical ALL      
#> 4  sbp     2294 <0.001** categorical ALL      
#> 5  histhtn 2294 0.015**  categorical ALL      
#> 6  chol    2294 <0.001** categorical ALL      
#> 7  txchol  2294 <0.001** categorical ALL      
#> 8  bmi     2294 0.318    categorical ALL      
#> 9  phyact  2294 <0.001** categorical ALL      
#> 10 pcs     2294 <0.001** categorical ALL      
#> 11 death   2294 0.001**  categorical ALL      
#> -----
#> Signif. codes:  0 '**' 0.05 '*' 0.1 ' ' 1 
#> --------Missingness table by 'year'---------
#> ____________________________________ 
#>         1995  2000   2005  p.overall 
#>         N=431 N=786 N=1077           
#> ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 
#> age     0.00% 0.00% 0.00%      .     
#> sex     0.00% 0.00% 0.00%      .     
#> smoker  3.71% 3.56% 1.58%    0.010   
#> sbp     0.70% 1.40% 0.00%   <0.001   
#> histhtn 0.00% 0.00% 0.74%    0.015   
#> chol    6.50% 9.03% 0.19%   <0.001   
#> txchol  0.00% 1.65% 3.90%   <0.001   
#> bmi     1.86% 1.91% 1.11%    0.318   
#> phyact  14.8% 2.80% 0.19%   <0.001   
#> pcs     7.89% 15.6% 7.71%   <0.001   
#> death   10.2% 6.11% 5.01%    0.001   
#> ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# also create the missing table from a compareGroups object
miss <- missingTable(res)

# some methods that works for createTable objects also works for objects 
#   computed by missTable function.

#... but update methods cannot be applied (this returns an error).

} # }