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This functions builds and prints a table with the variable names and their labels.


varinfo(x, ...)
# S3 method for class 'compareGroups'
varinfo(x, ...)
# S3 method for class 'createTable'
varinfo(x, ...)



an object of class 'compareGroups' or 'createTable'


other arguments currently ignored


By default, a compareGroup descriptives table lists variables by label (if one exists) rather than by name. If researchers have assigned detailed labels to their variables, this function is very useful to quickly locate the original variable name if some modification is required. This function simply lists all "Analyzed variable names" by "Orig varname" (i.e. variable name in the data.frame) and "Shown varname" (i.e., label).


A 'matrix' with two columns

Orig varname

actual variable name in the 'data.frame' or in the 'parent environment'.

Shown varname

names of the variable shown in the resulting tables.


If a variable has no "label" attribute, then the 'original varname' is the same as the 'shown varname'. The first variable in the table corresponds to the grouping variable. To label non-labeled variables or to change the label, specify its "label" attribute..


res<-compareGroups(sex ~ . ,regicor)
#createTable(res, = 'no')  
#> --- Analyzed variable names ----
#>    Orig varname Shown varname                                   
#> 1  sex          Sex                                             
#> 2  id           Individual id                                   
#> 3  year         Recruitment year                                
#> 4  age          Age                                             
#> 5  smoker       Smoking status                                  
#> 6  sbp          Systolic blood pressure                         
#> 7  dbp          Diastolic blood pressure                        
#> 8  histhtn      History of hypertension                         
#> 9  txhtn        Hypertension treatment                          
#> 10 chol         Total cholesterol                               
#> 11 hdl          HDL cholesterol                                 
#> 12 triglyc      Triglycerides                                   
#> 13 ldl          LDL cholesterol                                 
#> 14 histchol     History of hyperchol.                           
#> 15 txchol       Cholesterol treatment                           
#> 16 height       Height (cm)                                     
#> 17 weight       Weight (Kg)                                     
#> 18 bmi          Body mass index                                 
#> 19 phyact       Physical activity (Kcal/week)                   
#> 20 pcs          Physical component                              
#> 21 mcs          Mental component                                
#> 22 cv           Cardiovascular event                            
#> 23 tocv         Days to cardiovascular event or end of follow-up
#> 24 death        Overall death                                   
#> 25 todeath      Days to overall death or end of follow-up