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Several types of statistics (mean, standard deviation, quantiles or frequencies) are displayed according to the nature of each variable (categorical, continuous and normal-distributed or other quantitative type distribution). Also, p-value to test equality between groups is computed using the appropiate test.

Step 1. Install the package

Install the compareGroups package from CRAN and then load it by typing:

Step 2. Load data

Load the REGICOR example data available in compareGroups package:


Step 3. Compute descriptives and tests

Compute all descriptives and tests from selected variables by using the compareGroups function.
Note the use of formula argument as usual in R, so “.” indicates all variables in the dataset while “-” sign indicates removing, and variable on left side of “~” sign indicates the groups (if descriptives of whole datset without separating by groups is desired left it in blank). Store the results in an object that can be used afterwards to perform plots or bivariate table itself.
By the argument method we set triglycerides (triglyc), days to cardiovascular event (tocv) and days until death (todeath) variables to be reported as median and quartiles instead of mean and standard deviation.

res <- compareGroups(year ~ . - id, data = regicor, 
                     method=c(triglyc=2, tocv=2, todeath=2))

Step 4. Create the descriptive table

Use the creaTable function passing the previous object computed by compareGroups function (res). Using this function you can customize how categorical variables are displayed (only percertage or absolute frequencies or both) by type argument or whether standard deviation appears inside brackets or separated by plus/minus symbol by sd.type argument.
Also note the use of category which is useful to hide “no” level for those binary variables.
If you only want to show “Female” category use hide argument for sex variable indicating which category is going to be hiden. This argument also applies to categorical variables with more than two categories. To specify the number of decimal digits to show use digitsarguments. In this example height have no decimals and for weight with three digits. Finally, if you want to show how many individuals have non-missing values in each described variable, set show.n argument to TRUE.

restab <- createTable(res, digits = c(height=0, weight=3), type = 1, sd.type = 2, 
                      hide = c(sex = "Male"), = "no", show.n = TRUE)

Step 5. Print or export the descriptive table

The descriptive table can be printed in the R console using the method print, i.e. just typing the name of the object:


--------Summary descriptives table by 'Recruitment year'---------

                                                      1995            2000            2005       p.overall  N   
                                                      N=431           N=786          N=1077                     
Age                                                 54.1±11.7       54.3±11.2       55.3±10.6      0.078   2294 
Sex: Female                                           52.2%           50.4%           53.1%        0.506   2294 
Smoking status:                                                                                   <0.001   2233 
    Never smoker                                      56.4%           54.6%           52.2%                     
    Current or former < 1y                            26.3%           35.2%           20.5%                     
    Former >= 1y                                      17.3%           10.2%           27.4%                     
Systolic blood pressure                             133±19.2        133±21.3        129±19.8      <0.001   2280 
Diastolic blood pressure                            77.0±10.5       80.8±10.3       79.9±10.6     <0.001   2280 
History of hypertension                               25.8%           29.6%           35.5%       <0.001   2286 
Hypertension treatment                                16.5%           16.2%           22.2%        0.002   2251 
Total cholesterol                                   225±43.1        224±44.4        213±45.9      <0.001   2193 
HDL cholesterol                                     51.9±14.5       52.3±15.6       53.2±14.2      0.208   2225 
Triglycerides                                    94.0 [71.0;136] 98.0 [72.0;133] 98.0 [72.0;139]   0.762   2231 
LDL cholesterol                                     152±38.4        149±38.6        136±39.7      <0.001   2126 
History of hyperchol.                                 22.5%           33.2%           33.2%       <0.001   2273 
Cholesterol treatment                                 6.50%           8.80%           12.8%       <0.001   2239 
Height (cm)                                           163±9           162±9           163±9        0.003   2259 
Weight (Kg)                                       72.291±12.615   73.842±13.954   73.596±13.869    0.150   2259 
Body mass index                                     27.0±4.15       28.1±4.62       27.6±4.63     <0.001   2259 
Physical activity (Kcal/week)                        491±419         422±377         351±378      <0.001   2206 
Physical component                                  49.3±8.08       49.0±9.63       50.1±8.91      0.032   2054 
Mental component                                    49.2±11.3       48.9±11.0       46.9±10.8     <0.001   2054 
Cardiovascular event                                  2.51%           4.72%           4.59%        0.161   2163 
Days to cardiovascular event or end of follow-up 1728 [746;2767] 1617 [723;2596] 1775 [835;2723]   0.096   2163 
Overall death                                         4.65%           11.0%           7.23%       <0.001   2148 
Days to overall death or end of follow-up        1557 [812;2689] 1609 [734;2549] 1734 [817;2713]   0.249   2148 

If you want to change some bivariate table header, such “p-value” instead of “p.overall” use header.labels argument:

print(restab, header.labels = c(p.overall = "p-value"))

--------Summary descriptives table by 'Recruitment year'---------

                                                      1995            2000            2005       p-value  N   
                                                      N=431           N=786          N=1077                   
Age                                                 54.1±11.7       54.3±11.2       55.3±10.6     0.078  2294 
Sex: Female                                           52.2%           50.4%           53.1%       0.506  2294 
Smoking status:                                                                                  <0.001  2233 
    Never smoker                                      56.4%           54.6%           52.2%                   
    Current or former < 1y                            26.3%           35.2%           20.5%                   
    Former >= 1y                                      17.3%           10.2%           27.4%                   
Systolic blood pressure                             133±19.2        133±21.3        129±19.8     <0.001  2280 
Diastolic blood pressure                            77.0±10.5       80.8±10.3       79.9±10.6    <0.001  2280 
History of hypertension                               25.8%           29.6%           35.5%      <0.001  2286 
Hypertension treatment                                16.5%           16.2%           22.2%       0.002  2251 
Total cholesterol                                   225±43.1        224±44.4        213±45.9     <0.001  2193 
HDL cholesterol                                     51.9±14.5       52.3±15.6       53.2±14.2     0.208  2225 
Triglycerides                                    94.0 [71.0;136] 98.0 [72.0;133] 98.0 [72.0;139]  0.762  2231 
LDL cholesterol                                     152±38.4        149±38.6        136±39.7     <0.001  2126 
History of hyperchol.                                 22.5%           33.2%           33.2%      <0.001  2273 
Cholesterol treatment                                 6.50%           8.80%           12.8%      <0.001  2239 
Height (cm)                                           163±9           162±9           163±9       0.003  2259 
Weight (Kg)                                       72.291±12.615   73.842±13.954   73.596±13.869   0.150  2259 
Body mass index                                     27.0±4.15       28.1±4.62       27.6±4.63    <0.001  2259 
Physical activity (Kcal/week)                        491±419         422±377         351±378     <0.001  2206 
Physical component                                  49.3±8.08       49.0±9.63       50.1±8.91     0.032  2054 
Mental component                                    49.2±11.3       48.9±11.0       46.9±10.8    <0.001  2054 
Cardiovascular event                                  2.51%           4.72%           4.59%       0.161  2163 
Days to cardiovascular event or end of follow-up 1728 [746;2767] 1617 [723;2596] 1775 [835;2723]  0.096  2163 
Overall death                                         4.65%           11.0%           7.23%      <0.001  2148 
Days to overall death or end of follow-up        1557 [812;2689] 1609 [734;2549] 1734 [817;2713]  0.249  2148 

Exporting to different formats

  • Word

Export to a Word.

export2word(restab, file = "example1.docx", header.labels = c(p.overall = "p-value"))

  • PDF

If you want to create a PDF document with the table in a publish-ready format

export2pdf(restab, file = "example1.pdf", header.labels = c(p.overall = "p-value"))

Note: To create tables in PDF you must have some LaTeX compiler installed on your computer.

  • Excel

If you want export the descriptive table to an Excel file:

export2xls(restab, file = "example1.xlsx", header.labels = c(p.overall = "p-value"))

Note: You must have writexlR package installed.

  • Markdown

You can translate to Markdown code and insert it in a R-markdown chunk to create reproducible reports.

export2md(restab, header.labels = c(p.overall = "p-value"))
Summary descriptives table by groups of `Recruitment year’
1995 2000 2005 p-value N
N=431 N=786 N=1077
Age 54.1±11.7 54.3±11.2 55.3±10.6 0.078 2294
Sex: Female 52.2% 50.4% 53.1% 0.506 2294
Smoking status: <0.001 2233
Never smoker 56.4% 54.6% 52.2%
Current or former < 1y 26.3% 35.2% 20.5%
Former >= 1y 17.3% 10.2% 27.4%
Systolic blood pressure 133±19.2 133±21.3 129±19.8 <0.001 2280
Diastolic blood pressure 77.0±10.5 80.8±10.3 79.9±10.6 <0.001 2280
History of hypertension 25.8% 29.6% 35.5% <0.001 2286
Hypertension treatment 16.5% 16.2% 22.2% 0.002 2251
Total cholesterol 225±43.1 224±44.4 213±45.9 <0.001 2193
HDL cholesterol 51.9±14.5 52.3±15.6 53.2±14.2 0.208 2225
Triglycerides 94.0 [71.0;136] 98.0 [72.0;133] 98.0 [72.0;139] 0.762 2231
LDL cholesterol 152±38.4 149±38.6 136±39.7 <0.001 2126
History of hyperchol. 22.5% 33.2% 33.2% <0.001 2273
Cholesterol treatment 6.50% 8.80% 12.8% <0.001 2239
Height (cm) 163±9 162±9 163±9 0.003 2259
Weight (Kg) 72.291±12.615 73.842±13.954 73.596±13.869 0.150 2259
Body mass index 27.0±4.15 28.1±4.62 27.6±4.63 <0.001 2259
Physical activity (Kcal/week) 491±419 422±377 351±378 <0.001 2206
Physical component 49.3±8.08 49.0±9.63 50.1±8.91 0.032 2054
Mental component 49.2±11.3 48.9±11.0 46.9±10.8 <0.001 2054
Cardiovascular event 2.51% 4.72% 4.59% 0.161 2163
Days to cardiovascular event or end of follow-up 1728 [746;2767] 1617 [723;2596] 1775 [835;2723] 0.096 2163
Overall death 4.65% 11.0% 7.23% <0.001 2148
Days to overall death or end of follow-up 1557 [812;2689] 1609 [734;2549] 1734 [817;2713] 0.249 2148
  • LaTeX

Similar to Markdown file, it is possible to insert LaTeX code in a .tex.

export2tex(restab, header.labels = c(p.overall = "p-value"))