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This functions excratcs specific results (descriptives, p-values, Odds-Ratios / Hazard-Ratios, ...) from a compareGroups object as matrix or vectors.


getResults(obj, what = "descr")



an object of class 'compareGroups' or 'createTable'


character indicating which results are to be retrieved: decriptives, p-value, p-trend, pairwise p-values, or Odds-Ratios / Hazard-Ratios. Possible values are: "descr", "p.overall", "p.trend", "p.mul" and "ratio". Default value is "descr".


what = "descr"

An array or matrix with as many columns as variables/categories and seven columns indicating all possible descriptive statistics (mean, sd, median, Q1, Q3, absolute and relative frequencies). When different groups are analysed, the 3rd dimension of the array corresponds to the groups. Otherwise, the result will be a matrix with no 3rd dimension.

what = "p.overall"

A vector whose elevements are the p-value for each analysed variable.

what = "p.trend"

A vector whose elevements are the p-trend for each analysed variable.

what = "p.mul"

A matrix with pairwise p-values where rows correspond to the analysed variables and columns to each pair of groups.

what = "ratio"

A matrix with as many rows as variables/categorieswith and 4 columns corresponding to the OR/HR, confidence interval and p-value.


For descriptives, NA is placed for descriptives not appropiate for the variable. For example columns corresponding to frequencies for continuous variables will be NA.


res<-compareGroups(sex ~ . ,regicor,method=c(triglyc=2))
# retrieve descriptives
#> , , [ALL]
#>                                                          mean           sd med
#> Individual id                                    1.215818e+09 1.339539e+09  NA
#> Recruitment year: 1995                                     NA           NA  NA
#> Recruitment year: 2000                                     NA           NA  NA
#> Recruitment year: 2005                                     NA           NA  NA
#> Age                                              5.473627e+01 1.104926e+01  NA
#> Smoking status: Never smoker                               NA           NA  NA
#> Smoking status: Current or former < 1y                     NA           NA  NA
#> Smoking status: Former >= 1y                               NA           NA  NA
#> Systolic blood pressure                          1.311741e+02 2.030658e+01  NA
#> Diastolic blood pressure                         7.965877e+01 1.054792e+01  NA
#> History of hypertension: Yes                               NA           NA  NA
#> History of hypertension: No                                NA           NA  NA
#> Hypertension treatment: No                                 NA           NA  NA
#> Hypertension treatment: Yes                                NA           NA  NA
#> Total cholesterol                                2.187577e+02 4.524609e+01  NA
#> HDL cholesterol                                  5.268910e+01 1.474849e+01  NA
#> Triglycerides                                              NA           NA  97
#> LDL cholesterol                                  1.432467e+02 3.969013e+01  NA
#> History of hyperchol.: Yes                                 NA           NA  NA
#> History of hyperchol.: No                                  NA           NA  NA
#> Cholesterol treatment: No                                  NA           NA  NA
#> Cholesterol treatment: Yes                                 NA           NA  NA
#> Height (cm)                                      1.629156e+02 9.216404e+00  NA
#> Weight (Kg)                                      7.343586e+01 1.367845e+01  NA
#> Body mass index                                  2.764126e+01 4.555700e+00  NA
#> Physical activity (Kcal/week)                    3.988314e+02 3.881642e+02  NA
#> Physical component                               4.961986e+01 9.009636e+00  NA
#> Mental component                                 4.798318e+01 1.098306e+01  NA
#> Cardiovascular event: No                                   NA           NA  NA
#> Cardiovascular event: Yes                                  NA           NA  NA
#> Days to cardiovascular event or end of follow-up 1.754668e+03 1.080625e+03  NA
#> Overall death: No                                          NA           NA  NA
#> Overall death: Yes                                         NA           NA  NA
#> Days to overall death or end of follow-up        1.721305e+03 1.051047e+03  NA
#>                                                  Q1  Q3    n       prop inc
#> Individual id                                    NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Recruitment year: 1995                           NA  NA  431 0.18788143  NA
#> Recruitment year: 2000                           NA  NA  786 0.34263296  NA
#> Recruitment year: 2005                           NA  NA 1077 0.46948561  NA
#> Age                                              NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Smoking status: Never smoker                     NA  NA 1201 0.53784147  NA
#> Smoking status: Current or former < 1y           NA  NA  593 0.26556202  NA
#> Smoking status: Former >= 1y                     NA  NA  439 0.19659651  NA
#> Systolic blood pressure                          NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Diastolic blood pressure                         NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> History of hypertension: Yes                     NA  NA  723 0.31627297  NA
#> History of hypertension: No                      NA  NA 1563 0.68372703  NA
#> Hypertension treatment: No                       NA  NA 1823 0.80986228  NA
#> Hypertension treatment: Yes                      NA  NA  428 0.19013772  NA
#> Total cholesterol                                NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> HDL cholesterol                                  NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Triglycerides                                    72 136   NA         NA  NA
#> LDL cholesterol                                  NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> History of hyperchol.: Yes                       NA  NA  709 0.31192257  NA
#> History of hyperchol.: No                        NA  NA 1564 0.68807743  NA
#> Cholesterol treatment: No                        NA  NA 2011 0.89816883  NA
#> Cholesterol treatment: Yes                       NA  NA  228 0.10183117  NA
#> Height (cm)                                      NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Weight (Kg)                                      NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Body mass index                                  NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Physical activity (Kcal/week)                    NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Physical component                               NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Mental component                                 NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Cardiovascular event: No                         NA  NA 2071 0.95746648  NA
#> Cardiovascular event: Yes                        NA  NA   92 0.04253352  NA
#> Days to cardiovascular event or end of follow-up NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Overall death: No                                NA  NA 1975 0.91945996  NA
#> Overall death: Yes                               NA  NA  173 0.08054004  NA
#> Days to overall death or end of follow-up        NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#>                                                         lower        upper
#> Individual id                                    1.160973e+09 1.270662e+09
#> Recruitment year: 1995                           1.720853e-01 2.044788e-01
#> Recruitment year: 2000                           3.232053e-01 3.624633e-01
#> Recruitment year: 2005                           4.488951e-01 4.901542e-01
#> Age                                              5.428388e+01 5.518866e+01
#> Smoking status: Never smoker                     5.169004e-01 5.586831e-01
#> Smoking status: Current or former < 1y           2.473380e-01 2.844032e-01
#> Smoking status: Former >= 1y                     1.802952e-01 2.136979e-01
#> Systolic blood pressure                          1.303402e+02 1.320081e+02
#> Diastolic blood pressure                         7.922558e+01 8.009196e+01
#> History of hypertension: Yes                     2.972371e-01 3.357808e-01
#> History of hypertension: No                      6.642192e-01 7.027629e-01
#> Hypertension treatment: No                       7.930303e-01 8.258836e-01
#> Hypertension treatment: Yes                      1.741164e-01 2.069697e-01
#> Total cholesterol                                2.168629e+02 2.206524e+02
#> HDL cholesterol                                  5.207594e+01 5.330225e+01
#> Triglycerides                                    9.500000e+01 1.000000e+02
#> LDL cholesterol                                  1.415586e+02 1.449348e+02
#> History of hyperchol.: Yes                       2.929097e-01 3.314214e-01
#> History of hyperchol.: No                        6.685786e-01 7.070903e-01
#> Cholesterol treatment: No                        8.848931e-01 9.103918e-01
#> Cholesterol treatment: Yes                       8.960824e-02 1.151069e-01
#> Height (cm)                                      1.625354e+02 1.632959e+02
#> Weight (Kg)                                      7.287149e+01 7.400022e+01
#> Body mass index                                  2.745330e+01 2.782923e+01
#> Physical activity (Kcal/week)                    3.826245e+02 4.150383e+02
#> Physical component                               4.923000e+01 5.000972e+01
#> Mental component                                 4.750793e+01 4.845844e+01
#> Cardiovascular event: No                         9.480894e-01 9.655767e-01
#> Cardiovascular event: Yes                        3.442330e-02 5.191059e-02
#> Days to cardiovascular event or end of follow-up 1.709102e+03 1.800234e+03
#> Overall death: No                                9.071378e-01 9.306225e-01
#> Overall death: Yes                               6.937752e-02 9.286216e-02
#> Days to overall death or end of follow-up        1.676832e+03 1.765778e+03
#> , , Male
#>                                                          mean           sd med
#> Individual id                                    1.249812e+09 1.347204e+09  NA
#> Recruitment year: 1995                                     NA           NA  NA
#> Recruitment year: 2000                                     NA           NA  NA
#> Recruitment year: 2005                                     NA           NA  NA
#> Age                                              5.478474e+01 1.108709e+01  NA
#> Smoking status: Never smoker                               NA           NA  NA
#> Smoking status: Current or former < 1y                     NA           NA  NA
#> Smoking status: Former >= 1y                               NA           NA  NA
#> Systolic blood pressure                          1.340373e+02 1.894442e+01  NA
#> Diastolic blood pressure                         8.165665e+01 1.019543e+01  NA
#> History of hypertension: Yes                               NA           NA  NA
#> History of hypertension: No                                NA           NA  NA
#> Hypertension treatment: No                                 NA           NA  NA
#> Hypertension treatment: Yes                                NA           NA  NA
#> Total cholesterol                                2.172795e+02 4.274327e+01  NA
#> HDL cholesterol                                  4.754918e+01 1.259985e+01  NA
#> Triglycerides                                              NA           NA 110
#> LDL cholesterol                                  1.447680e+02 3.854902e+01  NA
#> History of hyperchol.: Yes                                 NA           NA  NA
#> History of hyperchol.: No                                  NA           NA  NA
#> Cholesterol treatment: No                                  NA           NA  NA
#> Cholesterol treatment: Yes                                 NA           NA  NA
#> Height (cm)                                      1.692727e+02 7.340116e+00  NA
#> Weight (Kg)                                      7.971587e+01 1.191404e+01  NA
#> Body mass index                                  2.781147e+01 3.730815e+00  NA
#> Physical activity (Kcal/week)                    4.066184e+02 4.248869e+02  NA
#> Physical component                               5.104962e+01 8.010419e+00  NA
#> Mental component                                 5.035020e+01 9.906833e+00  NA
#> Cardiovascular event: No                                   NA           NA  NA
#> Cardiovascular event: Yes                                  NA           NA  NA
#> Days to cardiovascular event or end of follow-up 1.744434e+03 1.082418e+03  NA
#> Overall death: No                                          NA           NA  NA
#> Overall death: Yes                                         NA           NA  NA
#> Days to overall death or end of follow-up        1.677167e+03 1.029199e+03  NA
#>                                                  Q1  Q3   n       prop inc
#> Individual id                                    NA  NA  NA         NA  NA
#> Recruitment year: 1995                           NA  NA 206 0.18710263  NA
#> Recruitment year: 2000                           NA  NA 390 0.35422343  NA
#> Recruitment year: 2005                           NA  NA 505 0.45867393  NA
#> Age                                              NA  NA  NA         NA  NA
#> Smoking status: Never smoker                     NA  NA 301 0.28104575  NA
#> Smoking status: Current or former < 1y           NA  NA 410 0.38281979  NA
#> Smoking status: Former >= 1y                     NA  NA 360 0.33613445  NA
#> Systolic blood pressure                          NA  NA  NA         NA  NA
#> Diastolic blood pressure                         NA  NA  NA         NA  NA
#> History of hypertension: Yes                     NA  NA 341 0.31113139  NA
#> History of hypertension: No                      NA  NA 755 0.68886861  NA
#> Hypertension treatment: No                       NA  NA 889 0.82467532  NA
#> Hypertension treatment: Yes                      NA  NA 189 0.17532468  NA
#> Total cholesterol                                NA  NA  NA         NA  NA
#> HDL cholesterol                                  NA  NA  NA         NA  NA
#> Triglycerides                                    80 147  NA         NA  NA
#> LDL cholesterol                                  NA  NA  NA         NA  NA
#> History of hyperchol.: Yes                       NA  NA 353 0.32266910  NA
#> History of hyperchol.: No                        NA  NA 741 0.67733090  NA
#> Cholesterol treatment: No                        NA  NA 962 0.89405204  NA
#> Cholesterol treatment: Yes                       NA  NA 114 0.10594796  NA
#> Height (cm)                                      NA  NA  NA         NA  NA
#> Weight (Kg)                                      NA  NA  NA         NA  NA
#> Body mass index                                  NA  NA  NA         NA  NA
#> Physical activity (Kcal/week)                    NA  NA  NA         NA  NA
#> Physical component                               NA  NA  NA         NA  NA
#> Mental component                                 NA  NA  NA         NA  NA
#> Cardiovascular event: No                         NA  NA 996 0.95585413  NA
#> Cardiovascular event: Yes                        NA  NA  46 0.04414587  NA
#> Days to cardiovascular event or end of follow-up NA  NA  NA         NA  NA
#> Overall death: No                                NA  NA 943 0.91553398  NA
#> Overall death: Yes                               NA  NA  87 0.08446602  NA
#> Days to overall death or end of follow-up        NA  NA  NA         NA  NA
#>                                                         lower        upper
#> Individual id                                    1.170147e+09 1.329477e+09
#> Recruitment year: 1995                           1.644727e-01 2.114180e-01
#> Recruitment year: 2000                           3.259398e-01 3.832887e-01
#> Recruitment year: 2005                           4.289308e-01 4.886385e-01
#> Age                                              5.412912e+01 5.544036e+01
#> Smoking status: Never smoker                     2.542900e-01 3.090103e-01
#> Smoking status: Current or former < 1y           3.535980e-01 4.126874e-01
#> Smoking status: Former >= 1y                     3.078595e-01 3.653131e-01
#> Systolic blood pressure                          1.329156e+02 1.351591e+02
#> Diastolic blood pressure                         8.105293e+01 8.226036e+01
#> History of hypertension: Yes                     2.838046e-01 3.394762e-01
#> History of hypertension: No                      6.605238e-01 7.161954e-01
#> Hypertension treatment: No                       8.006357e-01 8.469272e-01
#> Hypertension treatment: Yes                      1.530728e-01 1.993643e-01
#> Total cholesterol                                2.146961e+02 2.198629e+02
#> HDL cholesterol                                  4.679513e+01 4.830323e+01
#> Triglycerides                                    1.060000e+02 1.140000e+02
#> LDL cholesterol                                  1.423878e+02 1.471482e+02
#> History of hyperchol.: Yes                       2.950178e-01 3.512778e-01
#> History of hyperchol.: No                        6.487222e-01 7.049822e-01
#> Cholesterol treatment: No                        8.741082e-01 9.118089e-01
#> Cholesterol treatment: Yes                       8.819106e-02 1.258918e-01
#> Height (cm)                                      1.688364e+02 1.697089e+02
#> Weight (Kg)                                      7.900780e+01 8.042394e+01
#> Body mass index                                  2.758974e+01 2.803320e+01
#> Physical activity (Kcal/week)                    3.810110e+02 4.322258e+02
#> Physical component                               5.055304e+01 5.154621e+01
#> Mental component                                 4.973605e+01 5.096435e+01
#> Cardiovascular event: No                         9.415520e-01 9.675014e-01
#> Cardiovascular event: Yes                        3.249863e-02 5.844796e-02
#> Days to cardiovascular event or end of follow-up 1.678636e+03 1.810233e+03
#> Overall death: No                                8.968538e-01 9.317952e-01
#> Overall death: Yes                               6.820481e-02 1.031462e-01
#> Days to overall death or end of follow-up        1.614239e+03 1.740094e+03
#> , , Female
#>                                                          mean           sd  med
#> Individual id                                    1.184445e+09 1.332220e+09   NA
#> Recruitment year: 1995                                     NA           NA   NA
#> Recruitment year: 2000                                     NA           NA   NA
#> Recruitment year: 2005                                     NA           NA   NA
#> Age                                              5.469153e+01 1.101869e+01   NA
#> Smoking status: Never smoker                               NA           NA   NA
#> Smoking status: Current or former < 1y                     NA           NA   NA
#> Smoking status: Former >= 1y                               NA           NA   NA
#> Systolic blood pressure                          1.285144e+02 2.115815e+01   NA
#> Diastolic blood pressure                         7.780288e+01 1.053501e+01   NA
#> History of hypertension: Yes                               NA           NA   NA
#> History of hypertension: No                                NA           NA   NA
#> Hypertension treatment: No                                 NA           NA   NA
#> Hypertension treatment: Yes                                NA           NA   NA
#> Total cholesterol                                2.201255e+02 4.742239e+01   NA
#> HDL cholesterol                                  5.749380e+01 1.499370e+01   NA
#> Triglycerides                                              NA           NA 87.5
#> LDL cholesterol                                  1.418699e+02 4.066348e+01   NA
#> History of hyperchol.: Yes                                 NA           NA   NA
#> History of hyperchol.: No                                  NA           NA   NA
#> Cholesterol treatment: No                                  NA           NA   NA
#> Cholesterol treatment: Yes                                 NA           NA   NA
#> Height (cm)                                      1.569882e+02 6.410992e+00   NA
#> Weight (Kg)                                      6.758024e+01 1.257931e+01   NA
#> Body mass index                                  2.748256e+01 5.205095e+00   NA
#> Physical activity (Kcal/week)                    3.916288e+02 3.508277e+02   NA
#> Physical component                               4.825805e+01 9.676943e+00   NA
#> Mental component                                 4.572867e+01 1.147720e+01   NA
#> Cardiovascular event: No                                   NA           NA   NA
#> Cardiovascular event: Yes                                  NA           NA   NA
#> Days to cardiovascular event or end of follow-up 1.764180e+03 1.079351e+03   NA
#> Overall death: No                                          NA           NA   NA
#> Overall death: Yes                                         NA           NA   NA
#> Days to overall death or end of follow-up        1.761969e+03 1.069629e+03   NA
#>                                                  Q1  Q3    n       prop inc
#> Individual id                                    NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Recruitment year: 1995                           NA  NA  225 0.18860017  NA
#> Recruitment year: 2000                           NA  NA  396 0.33193630  NA
#> Recruitment year: 2005                           NA  NA  572 0.47946354  NA
#> Age                                              NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Smoking status: Never smoker                     NA  NA  900 0.77452668  NA
#> Smoking status: Current or former < 1y           NA  NA  183 0.15748709  NA
#> Smoking status: Former >= 1y                     NA  NA   79 0.06798623  NA
#> Systolic blood pressure                          NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Diastolic blood pressure                         NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> History of hypertension: Yes                     NA  NA  382 0.32100840  NA
#> History of hypertension: No                      NA  NA  808 0.67899160  NA
#> Hypertension treatment: No                       NA  NA  934 0.79624893  NA
#> Hypertension treatment: Yes                      NA  NA  239 0.20375107  NA
#> Total cholesterol                                NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> HDL cholesterol                                  NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Triglycerides                                    66 120   NA         NA  NA
#> LDL cholesterol                                  NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> History of hyperchol.: Yes                       NA  NA  356 0.30195081  NA
#> History of hyperchol.: No                        NA  NA  823 0.69804919  NA
#> Cholesterol treatment: No                        NA  NA 1049 0.90197764  NA
#> Cholesterol treatment: Yes                       NA  NA  114 0.09802236  NA
#> Height (cm)                                      NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Weight (Kg)                                      NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Body mass index                                  NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Physical activity (Kcal/week)                    NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Physical component                               NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Mental component                                 NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Cardiovascular event: No                         NA  NA 1075 0.95896521  NA
#> Cardiovascular event: Yes                        NA  NA   46 0.04103479  NA
#> Days to cardiovascular event or end of follow-up NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#> Overall death: No                                NA  NA 1032 0.92307692  NA
#> Overall death: Yes                               NA  NA   86 0.07692308  NA
#> Days to overall death or end of follow-up        NA  NA   NA         NA  NA
#>                                                         lower        upper
#> Individual id                                    1.108771e+09 1.260118e+09
#> Recruitment year: 1995                           1.667721e-01 2.119748e-01
#> Recruitment year: 2000                           3.052374e-01 3.594665e-01
#> Recruitment year: 2005                           4.507763e-01 5.082522e-01
#> Age                                              5.406564e+01 5.531743e+01
#> Smoking status: Never smoker                     7.493901e-01 7.982653e-01
#> Smoking status: Current or former < 1y           1.370006e-01 1.797237e-01
#> Smoking status: Former >= 1y                     5.419142e-02 8.401374e-02
#> Systolic blood pressure                          1.273070e+02 1.297218e+02
#> Diastolic blood pressure                         7.720168e+01 7.840408e+01
#> History of hypertension: Yes                     2.945324e-01 3.483722e-01
#> History of hypertension: No                      6.516278e-01 7.054676e-01
#> Hypertension treatment: No                       7.720427e-01 8.189596e-01
#> Hypertension treatment: Yes                      1.810404e-01 2.279573e-01
#> Total cholesterol                                2.173686e+02 2.228825e+02
#> HDL cholesterol                                  5.662631e+01 5.836129e+01
#> Triglycerides                                    8.500000e+01 9.100000e+01
#> LDL cholesterol                                  1.394816e+02 1.442582e+02
#> History of hyperchol.: Yes                       2.758418e-01 3.290517e-01
#> History of hyperchol.: No                        6.709483e-01 7.241582e-01
#> Cholesterol treatment: No                        8.834281e-01 9.184632e-01
#> Cholesterol treatment: Yes                       8.153681e-02 1.165719e-01
#> Height (cm)                                      1.566203e+02 1.573561e+02
#> Weight (Kg)                                      6.685839e+01 6.830209e+01
#> Body mass index                                  2.718387e+01 2.778125e+01
#> Physical activity (Kcal/week)                    3.712954e+02 4.119621e+02
#> Physical component                               4.767262e+01 4.884349e+01
#> Mental component                                 4.503432e+01 4.642301e+01
#> Cardiovascular event: No                         9.456423e-01 9.698035e-01
#> Cardiovascular event: Yes                        3.019651e-02 5.435771e-02
#> Days to cardiovascular event or end of follow-up 1.700928e+03 1.827433e+03
#> Overall death: No                                9.058705e-01 9.380139e-01
#> Overall death: Yes                               6.198605e-02 9.412949e-02
#> Days to overall death or end of follow-up        1.699202e+03 1.824736e+03
# retrieve OR and their corresponding p-values
#>                                                          OR   OR.lower
#> Individual id                                    1.00000000 1.00000000
#> Recruitment year: 2000                           0.92973770 0.73464737
#> Recruitment year: 2005                           1.03703804 0.82887136
#> Age                                              0.99923650 0.99185476
#> Smoking status: Current or former < 1y           0.14954071 0.12004545
#> Smoking status: Former >= 1y                     0.07363818 0.05554227
#> Systolic blood pressure                          0.98645343 0.98235797
#> Diastolic blood pressure                         0.96469756 0.95679273
#> History of hypertension: No                      0.95538389 0.80058784
#> Hypertension treatment: Yes                      1.20334625 0.97404308
#> Total cholesterol                                1.00139478 0.99953684
#> HDL cholesterol                                  1.05403395 1.04680956
#> Triglycerides                                    0.99312696 0.99161403
#> LDL cholesterol                                  0.99815969 0.99601738
#> History of hyperchol.: No                        1.10125105 0.92201065
#> Cholesterol treatment: Yes                       0.91711102 0.69691476
#> Height (cm)                                      0.76924517 0.75309866
#> Weight (Kg)                                      0.92237352 0.91477961
#> Body mass index                                  0.98425663 0.96655383
#> Physical activity (Kcal/week)                    0.99990038 0.99968462
#> Physical component                               0.96492588 0.95520350
#> Mental component                                 0.96013615 0.95193173
#> Cardiovascular event: Yes                        0.92652448 0.60869018
#> Days to cardiovascular event or end of follow-up 1.00001692 0.99993885
#> Overall death: Yes                               0.90334143 0.66129680
#> Days to overall death or end of follow-up        1.00007689 0.99999620
#>                                                    OR.upper          pval
#> Individual id                                    1.00000000  2.428983e-01
#> Recruitment year: 2000                           1.17621611  5.438095e-01
#> Recruitment year: 2005                           1.29711990  7.501763e-01
#> Age                                              1.00667317  8.399987e-01
#> Smoking status: Current or former < 1y           0.18560560  0.000000e+00
#> Smoking status: Former >= 1y                     0.09660496  0.000000e+00
#> Systolic blood pressure                          0.99056597  1.314480e-10
#> Diastolic blood pressure                         0.97266771  1.114680e-17
#> History of hypertension: No                      1.13983473  6.124146e-01
#> Hypertension treatment: Yes                      1.48827608  8.619969e-02
#> Total cholesterol                                1.00325617  1.412835e-01
#> HDL cholesterol                                  1.06130820  7.706286e-51
#> Triglycerides                                    0.99464220  7.552867e-19
#> LDL cholesterol                                  1.00030660  9.289571e-02
#> History of hyperchol.: No                        1.31537018  2.872368e-01
#> Cholesterol treatment: Yes                       1.20689119  5.363264e-01
#> Height (cm)                                      0.78573786 8.696034e-130
#> Weight (Kg)                                      0.93003046  8.413354e-82
#> Body mass index                                  1.00228367  8.659591e-02
#> Physical activity (Kcal/week)                    1.00011620  3.655988e-01
#> Physical component                               0.97474721  4.840485e-12
#> Mental component                                 0.96841128  1.531181e-20
#> Cardiovascular event: Yes                        1.41038249  7.210919e-01
#> Days to cardiovascular event or end of follow-up 1.00009500  6.710408e-01
#> Overall death: Yes                               1.23369266  5.220728e-01
#> Days to overall death or end of follow-up        1.00015759  6.180690e-02